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7.20 data/examples/nubmbas2.dat

 * FILE: nubmbas2.dat
 * example for multi level bspline surface approximation

surf1 = NUBMBAS(
  5,       /* number of iterations */
  0,       /* minimize area of base rectangle in XY-plane */
  3,       /* degree in U-direction the surface shall have */
  3,       /* degree in V-direction the surface shall have */
  (        /* list of data points: */
    (0,0,0),(1,0,0),(2,0,0),(3,0,0), (4,0,1), 
    (5,0,2),(6,0,2),(7,0,2),(8,0,2), (9,0,3),
    (0,1,0),(1,1,0),(2,1,0),(3,1,0), (4,1,1),
    (5,1,2),(6,1,2),(7,1,2),(8,1,2), (9,1,3),
    (0,2,0),(1,2,0),(2,2,0),(3,2,0), (4,2,1),
    (5,2,2),(6,2,2),(7,2,2),(8,2,2), (9,2,3),
    (0,3,0),(1,3,0),(2,3,0),(3,3,0), (4,3,1),
    (5,3,2),(6,3,2),(7,3,2),(8,3,2), (9,3,3),

    (0,4,1),(1,4,1),(2,4,1),(3,4,1), (4,4,2), 
    (5,4,3),(6,4,3),(7,4,3),(8,4,3), (9,4,4),

    (0,5,2),(1,5,2),(2,5,2),(3,5,2), (4,5,3), 
    (5,5,4),(6,5,4),(7,5,4),(8,5,4), (9,5,5),
    (0,6,2),(1,6,2),(2,6,2),(3,6,2), (4,6,3), 
    (5,6,4),(6,6,4),(7,6,4),(8,6,4), (9,6,5),
    (0,7,2),(1,7,2),(2,7,2),(3,7,2), (4,7,3), 
    (5,7,4),(6,7,4),(7,7,4),(8,7,4), (9,7,5),
    (0,8,2),(1,8,2),(2,8,2),(3,8,2), (4,8,3), 
    (5,8,4),(6,8,4),(7,8,4),(8,8,4), (9,8,5),

    (0,9,3),(1,9,3),(2,9,3),(3,9,3), (4,9,4), 
    (5,9,5),(6,9,5),(7,9,5),(8,9,5), (9,9,6),

    (0,10,4),(1,10,4),(2,10,4),(3,10,4), (4,10,5), 
    (5,10,6),(6,10,6),(7,10,6),(8,10,6), (9,10,7),
    (0,11,4),(1,11,4),(2,11,4),(3,11,4), (4,11,5), 
    (5,11,6),(6,11,6),(7,11,6),(8,11,6), (9,11,7),
    (0,12,4),(1,12,4),(2,12,4),(3,12,4), (4,12,5), 
    (5,12,6),(6,12,6),(7,12,6),(8,12,6), (9,12,7),
    (0,13,4),(1,13,4),(2,13,4),(3,13,4), (4,13,5), 
    (5,13,6),(6,13,6),(7,13,6),(8,13,6), (9,13,7),
  (0.05, 0.15, 0.075, 1.0),        /* diffuse color    */
  (0.0125, 0.0375, 0.019, 1.0),    /* ambient color    */
  (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),            /* emissive color   */
  (0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 1.0),            /* specular color   */
  0.5                              /* shininess        */
  (0.3, 0.15, 0.12, 1.0),          /* diffuse color    */
  (0.075, 0.0375, 0.03, 1.0),      /* ambient color    */
  (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),            /* emissive color   */
  (0.8, 0.4, 0.3, 1.0),            /* specular color   */
  0.5                              /* shininess        */
  ( ATTRIBS(front1,back1) ), 

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